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Maha Shivaratri Sadhana Plan

Monday 14 February – Tuesday 01 March 2022

On the auspicious occasion of Maha Shivaratri a special Sadhana plan has been developed for members and includes:


  1. Sri Lanka Village Project Offering

  2. 16 Days Devotional Offering (includes Ekadasa Rudram on 26 February 2022)

  3. Offering on 01 March 2022 – Maha Shivaratri


More details below.

"Everyone must get convinced that he is the Aathman, not the body which is its material residence. To instruct you about this is the special purpose of the festival of Maha Shivaratri".
- Divine Discourse 23 February 1971
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Shivaratri celebration has been one of the most significant events in the festival calendar of Prasanthi Nilayam, every year right from the 1950s. Bhagawan Baba, has gracefully used this occasion to offer a glimpse of His Divinity with the mysterious manifestation of the Linga from His own being. Besides this, the message that the Lord delivers to the large concourse of devotees who gather for this festival is deeply profound and revealing.


In the lead-up to the auspicious occasion on Tuesday 01 March 2022, Sai Organisation of Australia is undertaking a Service and Devotional offering to our Sai Shiva. We encourage all members to participate in this special Sadhana plan.

1. Sri Lanka Village Water & Electricity Service

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As we all know very well how our Beloved Bhagawan fulfilled the three wishes of His Divine Mother Easwaramma by providing water, education, and medical facilities, we, His children having experienced His Love now have a noble opportunity to show our gratitude by following His footprints. It is indeed His blessings that we are launching our first water project!


On this year’s auspicious occasion of Maha Shivaratri, we are very happy to inform you all that by The Divine Grace of our beloved Sai Siva we will be launching a water project in Sri Lanka in the Village called Thirukkovil Kudinilam.


Thirukkovil Kudinilam is a very remote & poor village in the Eastern Province Region of Sri Lanka, which is still recovering and rebuilding from the aftermath of the civil war.


The village has a total population of approximately 5762 people, and they mostly rely on agricultural farming for their daily needs.



The families in the village are in dire need of so many amenities and it’s a blessed opportunity for our members to render support to this community. 


The SSSGC Sri Lanka team has identified a number of sustainable projects that we can undertake to support the families in this village.


They include: 


  • Providing Water Supply from main source to poor families

  • Connection of electricity for dwellings

  • Providing new housings to families

  • Renovation or upgrading of homes for families.

  • Providing Sanitisation for dwellings

  • Livelihood Support to needy families.


As a first offering, we will be embarking on providing Water Supply & Electricity to the needy families in this village.


If you wish to be part of this service offering, please reach out to your Centre President or Centre Service Coordinator for more information.



2. Devotional Offerings

“Though we have the Mahashivaratri once a year, we have a Shivarathri every month, dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva. And why is the rathri (the night), so important? During the dark fortnight of the month, sadhana (spiritual practice) must be done to eliminate each day a fraction of the mind, for, every day, a fraction of the Moon too is being taken out of cognisance” Bhagawan Baba -Shivaratri Feb 1969


“Mind has 16 aspects, of which 15 are merged on this night and only one is remaining. Make proper use of this holy night by undertaking Sadhana with devotion and steadfastness” – Divine Discourse 07 March 2008


Let us all start chanting the Divine name for 16 days starting Monday 14 February culminating on Shivaratri day on Tuesday 01 March 2022 and offer our first water project at the Lotus feet of our Lord Sai Siva and Mother Ganga, the source of water seated in His matted hair to bless our brothers and sisters in Thirukkovil Kudinilam  village.


“The heart has the precious treasure of Ananda, but man does not know the key to open the lock; that key is Namasmarana, the repetition of the Name of the Lord, with a pure heart. Purify the heart with the four instruments: Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema. Always endeavour to do good to others, to think well of them and to speak well of others. This endeavour wilt wears away your egoism and attachment to things that cater to your pleasures. Do not behave like birds and beasts, always engaged in earning a living or rearing a family. Struggle for higher things; use the higher talents with which you are endowed.”
Ref: SSS Vol IV Ch 64



Please choose either 1 or 2 or all 3 of the following Sadhana activities
for each of the sixteen days. 

Daily Chanting the Maha Mantra 

“Om Namah Shivaya”

“This holy day of Shivaratri must be spent in the constant contemplation of God chanting the holy name of Shiva right from early in the morning till you go to bed. 


Please also click on the link below and listen to His Divine Voice chanting Om Namah Shivaya and experience the bliss of watching the Lingodbhavam too, the emergence of Golden Linga from HIM.


Daily Chanting Mruthyunjaya mantra

Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe
Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvaarukam-Iva Bandhanaan
Mrtyor-Mukssiiya Maa-amrtaat ||


Om, We Worship the Tryambaka (the Three-Eyed One), Who is Fragrant (as the Spiritual Essence), Increasing the Nourishment (of our Spiritual Core); like Cucumbers (tied to their Creepers), May I be Liberated from bondages and Death (Attachment to Perishable Things), So that I am not separated from the perception of Immortality (Immortal Essence pervading everywhere).

Ekaadasa Rudram

There will be an additional opportunity to join the special chanting of Rudram 11 times on Saturday 26 February as Bhagawan says Chanting the Rudram makes your life bhadram (safe).


Join us at 8.30 AM AEDT on 26 February on our YouTube channel.

3. Maha Shivaratri Offerings on 1 March

Offerings by Regions and Centres across Australia

More details to follow

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