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2022 Prasanthi Pilgrimage
Attire in Prasanthi

See below key information about your daily Attire in Prasanthi during the Zone 3 Pilgrimage


Zone 3 Scarf for Prasanthi Pilgrimage


All members will be required to wear the Zone 3 Scarf to be part of the Pilgrimage group when seated in Sai Kulwant Hall for all morning and afternoon darshans. Members are requested to wear the Scarf when assembling and travelling to Sai Kulwant Hall for the morning and afternoon darshans.


NOTE - the Zone Scarf should not be worn at all other times.


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Sarees for Special Offerings : 25 - 27 December​



Saree for Zone 3 Christmas Carols for 25 December


For the Early Morning Christmas Carols program on 25 December to be offered by Zone 3, Aunties and Sisters (if they wish) will be given the following Crimson Red Saree. This saree will be provided free by Zone 3 Christmas Carols team.













Sarees for 26 and 27 December


For the 26 December and 27 December Zone 3 special offerings in Sai Kulwant Hall, Aunties and Sisters may order (if they wish) the 2 sarees. They come in a 2 and costs A$60 or NZ$80.














These 2 sarees can be ordered using this Google form :


NOTE - the Zone Scarf will need to be worn for all morning and afternoon Darshans.


Uncles, brothers and SSE boys are required to wear white shirt (or polo shirt) and white long pants during morning and afternoon darshans for the 2022 Zone 3 Prasanthi Pilgrimage.


The Prasanthi Pilgrimage Polo Shirt may be worn for the darshans at your chosing.


NOTE - the Zone Scarf should also be worn for all morning and afternoon Darshans


"As a result of the pilgrimage, your habits must change for the better, your outlook must widen, your inward look must become deeper and become more steady. You must realise the omnipresence of God, and the Oneness of Humanity. You must learn tolerance and patience, charity and service. After the pilgrimage is over, sitting in your own home and ruminating over your experiences, you must determine to seek the higher, the richer and the more real experience of God-realisation. I bless you that you may form that determination and strive step by step to achieve that Goal” - Sri Sathya Sai.

Contact your Zone 3 Prasanthi Pilgrimage team via email if you need for more information.

Contact your Zone 3 Prasanthi Pilgrimage Team via email if you need for more information.


For Australian devotees, please email: 


For New Zealand devotees, please email: 

Reunite, Recharge & Reconnect in Prasanthi 

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